
Check Out SHPS
Are you ready to join the St. HOPE Public Schools family?? Check out the video to learn what PS7 Elementary, PS7 Middle, and Sac High can offer your scholar next year!
Thank you for your interest in St. HOPE Public Schools. We are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 Admissions Lottery!
Seats are limited. Secure your scholar’s spot in the Admissions Lottery by applying today.
There are still some seats available for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact our office for more information at (916) 649-7910.
We are here to make your application process as easy as possible. Visit our website or call our office to apply to any SHPS school today.
- Over the phone by connecting with our team at (916) 649-7910
SHPS prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying on the basis of a student’s actual or perceived age, ancestry, ethnicity, actual or potential parental, pregnancy, family or marital status that treats students differently on the basis of sex, lactation status, housing or homeless status, color, mental or physical disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, immigration status, medical information, nationality, race, religion, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. This applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within SHPS.
Our admissions team is ready to assist you. Contact us today!
Phone: (916) 649-7910 | Fax: (916) 277-6910
2315 34th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817
Charter School Enrollment/Disenrollment Complaint Form

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is the first year of a two-year Kindergarten program. All children who turn 4 years old by September 1, 2025 can enroll in TK.
Scholars entering Kindergarten must be 5-years-old on or before September 1, 2025.
Students applying to TK and K must submit a Health Examination Form for School Entry that is required by the state of California. This form must be completed by a physician and submitted at the time of enrollment. The form can be accessed here or printed copies are available in the Office of Admission.
As a public charter school network, SHPS utilize a lottery system to fill open seats at each of our schools: PS7 Elementary, PS7 Middle, & Sacramento Charter High School. This means interested families must submit an admissions lottery application during the open enrollment period. The 2025-2026 Admissions Lottery will take place in April 2024 (more information to come).
You will receive an update regarding the status of your acceptance on the lottery day. After receiving an offer of admission, applicants must complete the official Online Registration Form before within 3 business days. The Admissions team will confirm your scholar’s enrollment once we have verified all the required information has been received.
Applying after the Admissions Lottery?
You can still submit an application. Applications received after the Admissions Lottery will be added to the waitlist for their respective grades. If space is available an offer of admission will be issued as soon as the application is received. Otherwise, offers will be made as space becomes available.
Application & Enrollment FAQ’s
What information is required for the application?
To apply, the only information required is the following:
Student complete legal name, date of birth, current/prior school and grade, full address
Legal guardian full name, full address, primary phone number and email address (if applicable)
What does the enrollment process consist of?
After you receive your offer of admission, the following are the steps you need to complete in order to register for SHPS:
Step 1: Accept offer of admission.
Step 2: Complete the Online Registration Form through Infinite Campus (these are questions regarding household contacts, emergency contacts, medical history, and California required surveys).
Step 3: Provide all required documentation through the Online Registration Form, via email, or in person.
Enrollment Policies
What documents are needed to enroll?
All students are required to have the following documents: For a complete checklist of every required document, please refer to the Parent Checklist for your respective school of interest.
- PS7 (TK/Kinder) Parent Checklist
- PS7 (Grades 1-8) Parent Checklist
- Sac High (Grades 9-12) Parent Checklist
Birth certificate, passport, certificate of live birth or other valid evidence of birth date
Proof of identification of the guardian registering the student
Proof of residency
Immunization record (must be complete with all dates and doses received)

How do I complete the required Online Registration Form?
To complete the required registration form, you can log into your SchoolMint account and click “register” next to your scholar’s name. Or you are welcome to connect with an admissions team member so that we may assist you in person or via phone.
Receive one-on-one support to submit your scholar’s application before the Admissions Lottery deadline. Secure your appointment today. Call to see availability.
St. HOPE Public Schools is open to all California residents. We are a free, public charter school network offering grades TK – 12. Our mission is to graduate self-motivated, industrious and critical thinking leaders who are committed to serving others, passionate about lifelong learning and prepared to earn a degree from a four-year college. SHPS represents a choice for this community for students to start as early as possible on the college-bound path. All of our schools offer a high-quality, rigorous college preparatory education. Scholars receive an extended school day to ensure they have enough time to focus on learning and advancing in their academic goals. At St. HOPE we understand that our scholars are learning at different levels and thus, we offer instruction in core subjects like math, reading, and English, tailored to their specific needs. Be a part of something that provides more opportunities and closes the achievement gap for all students, regardless of their background.
My scholar is returning to SHPS. Do I need to reapply?
No. Scholars in TK through 7th grade who are currently enrolled at PS7 for the current school year do not need to reapply for the admissions lottery for next year. However, 8th grade scholars continuing to 9th grade at Sac High DO need to submit an application.
Do 8th grade scholars enrolled at PS7 receive a priority for 9th grade at Sac High?
Yes. Current 8th grade scholars who apply to Sac High before the Admissions Lottery deadline will receive a priority in the lottery for the 2024-2025 academic year.
What is a charter school?
A charter school is a public school usually created or organized by a group of teachers, parents, community leaders, or in our case a community-based organization. Charter schools do not have special entrance requirements and have the freedom to be innovative, while being held accountable for advancing student achievement.
What is the difference between regular public school and a charter school?
A charter school is generally exempt from most laws that apply to regular public schools, so administrators have more autonomy in designing an educational program, hiring faculty and staff, using facilities, and developing a budget that meets the needs of their students. In exchange for this autonomy, charter schools are held much more strictly accountable that most non-charter public schools. Charter schools must meet all the student performance and operational goals listed in their charter, or their charter may be revoked.
What is the purpose of a charter school?
The purpose of a charter school is to:
- Improve student learning
- Increase learning opportunities for all students, with special emphasis on expanded learning experiences for those identified as academically low achieving
- Encourage the use of different and innovative teaching methods
- Create new professional opportunities for teachers, including the opportunity to be responsible for the learning program at the school site
- Provide parents and students with expanded educational opportunities within the public school system without the constraints of traditional rules and structure
- Provide schools a way to shift from rule-based to a performance-based system of accountability
- Provide competition within the public school system to stimulate improvements in all public schools.
What grades do you have?
We have grades TK-12 within our three schools: PS7 (TK-8th grade) and Sacramento Charter High School (9th-12th).
Do siblings of current scholars get priority?
Yes, siblings of current scholars in any of our schools are eligible to receive priority when applying before the Admissions Lottery. To ensure your scholar gets the sibling priority apply before the Admissions Lottery. Contact our office for more information is needed.
What does PS7 stand for?
PS7 stands for Public School 7
Is St. Hope a religious organization?
No, St. HOPE is not affiliated with any religion, we accept all children of diverse backgrounds.
What does HOPE stand for?
Hope stands for Helping Others Pursue Excellence.
Where are all the schools located?
PS7 Elementary (TK-5th grade): 5201 Strawberry Lane, Sacramento, CA 95820
PS7 Middle (6th-8th grade): 2315 34th St., Sacramento, CA 95817
SCHS: 2315 34th St., Sacramento, CA 95817
Do you have to live in a specific area to attend St. HOPE schools?
No, anyone who resides in the state of California can attend any St.HOPE public school.
Do St. HOPE schools offer transportation?
No, SHPS does not provide transportation. Many of our students are dropped off by parents in the morning, carpool with other students or utilize public transportation that drops them off right in front of our school campus. The Sacramento Regional Transit provides all of our scholars with fare-free transit all year.
Do St. HOPE schools offer after school programs?
Yes. Our after school programs are offered by community organizations and thus, it requires a separate application process.
Do St. HOPE schools require a uniform?
How will the results of the lottery be communicated?
Notification of the lottery results will be sent to all applicants via text or email, depending on the communication preferences indicated in the application submitted.
Can I put my child on the waitlist?
Once our lottery is complete and waitlists are generated we can add students to the waitlist in the order that the requests are received.